Rooting For The Underdogs

The unlikely dream the biggest.

The Professional Groomsman Secrets

You will need the foil wrapper from a stick of chewing gum and a piece of tape. For a man's ring, use an entire wrapper; for a woman's ring, use a wrapper that has been cut in half lengthwise.

1. Remove the gum from the foil wrapper. Discard or chew the gum.
2. Smooth the foil on a flat surface. Flatten all wrinkles and folds.
3. Refold the wrapper lengthwise. Follow the existing crease lines and fold each of the longer sides up to meet in the middle, leaving the short ends unfolded.
4. Fold the wrapper in half lengthwise. The seams will be hidden in the middle.
5. Fold one end into a point.
6. Insert the point into the fold.
7. Fit the strip around your finger in the shape of a ring. Size the ring to a comfortable fit.
8. Secure the ring with a small piece of tape.

BE AWAREIf a gum wrapper is not available, or if you prefer a different color ring, you can use paper money. Select foreign currencies for a more dramatic palate. Other options (cut to fit) include candy bar wrappers, aluminum foil, writing paper, or bank checks.

