Rooting For The Underdogs

The unlikely dream the biggest.

Already Sick of Summer

I really need a hobbie for the summer. In the past I enjoyed the summer sun by cutting wood, mowing grass, or going to the drive-in with my friends. I never remember having to find things to do as I was usually working two jobs and doing chores in the summer. Now its different. I get off work and since I don't mow the grass, have another job, or do chores... I find myself needing an outdoor hobbie.

I'm looking for a new adventure. I love snowboarding and now being so close to Wilmont, Cascade, and Wasaw I have no doubt that I will be plenty busy this winter. But what about the summer? Is there something to do in the summer that is exciting? Do I need a motorcycle? Should I join a league? Play softball? I'm already sick of summer. Bring on the snow.

