Rooting For The Underdogs

The unlikely dream the biggest.

Twas The Night Before Christmas Party...

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house.
Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.
The stockings were all hung by the chimney with care.
Even one for Luc's girlfriend, who would not be there.

I couldn't believe it. I went to my parents house last night for our staff Christmas party. It promised to be a fun filled event with food and a gift exchange. I got there early to start dinner, because mom and dad were busy. So as I'm getting the ham in the oven, I glance over into our living room. It looked like Father Christmas threw up everywhere. Our entire living room was transformed. The tree was up and decorated with all our ornaments. (BTW: Each ornament has a story. And if you're not careful, my mom will tell you them one by one.)

But one thing particularly caught my eye. There are six stockings on the fire place. Six. Mom, Dad, Lucas, Josh (brother), Christy (sister-in-law)... We don't have any pets... Josh and Christy don't have any kids... Maybe my parents have a Christmas Gnome. So when my mother gets home I ask, "Hey mom, what's with the extra stocking?" She replies with this story.

Kathy: Well, last Christmas I bought new stockings when they went on sale. I bought six because I was hopeful... that you would have... you know... someone this Christmas.

Lucas: Okay, but why put it out?

Kathy: Well, I bought those pretty mantel hangers...

My mother hung an empty stocking to pay tribute to my singleness this holiday season. A moment of silence please. My date for the party had backed out on me, and I was too apathetic about the whole thing to get another one. Too much drama involved. This awkward situation was perpetuated throughout the evening as I knew which table I was to sit at, because it was the one with the odd numbered place setting. I was my mother's partner in the game, as my Dad was the officiate. (We won.)

I just find the whole situation ridiculous. I'm not dating any more. I give up. It sucks. Especially during the holidays. Everything is couples, but you can't get a date because nobody wants to meet the family on the first date. And no one wants to be a friend date or safety date during the holidays, they want to actually be in a romance. So I say F U dating. I'm getting married. I haven't worked out the logistics of this plan, but I think I could arrange a marriage. I may have to trade my Ipod.

