Rooting For The Underdogs

The unlikely dream the biggest.

... Could you take the "suck" out of my monitor...

It was just one of those Sundays. Everything is fine. And then all Hell breaks loose.

I have a guy that runs "the booth" for me. He is our program director. He stands in the back with the sound guy, media shout guy, and lighting guy and makes sure they are on target. He was on vacation this Sunday. So I probably played my guitar about 2 full minutes on stage while the sound guy talked to one of his fishing buddies no where near the sound booth. Finally, one of the other guys in the church that runs the board gets up and turns me on. The sound technician doesn't take this as a hint that he should get to his station. He thinks, "Oh, Scott got it." and went back to talking. This was okay till my mic didn't work. I wasn't mad... just shocked.

First service went okay as soon as everything was actually turned on. Second service for some reason was just painful. Have you ever been on a worship team, or lead worship at a service and after about the first song you just wanted to crawl into a hole and die? It was my own fault. I turned the bass amp just a little. This made all the difference in the world. The Bass in the microphones created feedback that would not go away without shutting off the mics. So here we are trying to teach a new song and we have either no mics, or GINORMOUS feedback. Because of the tech problems, the praise team isn't concentrating and we are messing up the songs. Of coarse, it isn't nearly as bad for the audience as it is for the worship team, but I seriously contemplated just stopping after the second song. I had two more to go, but I thought about just stopping and moving right to the sermon. I was so mad and embarrassed. I finished and to my surprize when I looked out into the congregation, they were worshiping. I couldn't believe it! I wasn't worshiping. I was getting my head split open from feedback. Oh well, here's to God moving even if I suck.

