Rooting For The Underdogs

The unlikely dream the biggest.

I just want to spank them... is that wrong?

I know now that I'm not ready for a family yet. I'm sitting in Panera, and literally have chills running down my spine when the two year old boy next to me shrieks when he doesn't get his way. The two mothers having lunch are used to traveling with the seven children present and ignore the screeching child and his older brother who is tormenting him. I however cannot ignore the sound that is so piercing that it sends chills down my spine.

Who brings seven children to Parera Bread Co? You take kids to McDonalds, get them happy meals, and let them play outside (in the street in some cases). You don't bring them to a restaurant that is $6 or $7 dollars a person, doesn't have anything for them to do, and there isn't even a kids menu. If any place wants to send the message Kids Not Encouraged, it would be to not even have a kids menu.

It's not that I don't like children. I don't like children that I can't spank. Granted my parents only had two children and this women had at least 3 or 4 of her own, but if I behaved half as badly as the kids sitting next to me I would have been pulled into the bathroom and spanked. There was no shrieking, there was no tormenting each other, and we had a whole different set of manners we had to use in a restaurant. I used to have to approach my parents and wait silently till they were done talking, say,"Excuse me. May I speak?" Then I could ask a question. Depending on the question, I may have peed my pants by the time I got their attention. That was at Pizza Hut.

I don't want to be one of those people that claims, "My kids would never do that..." Because my kids will misbehave. But I will say this. My kid would only shriek like that once... ONCE!

