Rooting For The Underdogs

The unlikely dream the biggest.

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

Today I find my self in a festive mood. Usually at this time of year, I am snapping at everyone and displaying a rather Ba-Hum-Bug attitude. Ever since I was born Christmas time has started in July and ended in January. In Fisher and Plano my mother was the director of the Living Christmas Tree. (for those of you that have never seen one, it is a giant Christmas tree shaped apparatus that holds a choir on risers built into the tree. And so, since I was able to crawl I have been singing, acting, preparing, running tech, and finally overseeing this enterprise. We've gotten pretty good at it. We do six shows and sell them out at 300 seats a show totaling 1800 tickets sold per year.

But in order to put on said performance, the choir starts practicing in September. For the choir to practice they have to have their books and tapes/CDs by August and that means preparations begin in July. So I have had to listen to Christmas music 5 months out of year almost every year. This year we took a break and didn't do the tree.

This is the first time, in long time, that I am really excited about Christmas. And today I caught myself sing "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" as I was working.

So if I don't see you this Christmas... May the blessings of Christ Jesus be with you as you celebrate the day of the Christ Mass.

