Rooting For The Underdogs

The unlikely dream the biggest.


Lately, I have been reading books of both modern and ancient subjects, but one topic came up in both... shunning.  I have not previously considered this "treatment" with any regard other than something you hear about briefly in a history lesson about Quakers.  I gave it the same attention as churning butter or leeching.  What took me aback reading about this practice is the magnitude and scope that it covers.  To be shunned means that a group of people consider you as "non-existent".  They don't look at you, pretend not to hear you, won't do business with you, and won't talk about you with other people.  This seems that it might be worse than actually dying. 

So, in the spirit of excommunication, I would like to submit some people that, in my opinion, America should shun.

1.  Kanye West - I think it is time that Kanye gets the message that no one cares what he thinks.  We didn't care that he thought George Bush was a racist and we certainly don't care about what he thinks about who wins an MTV award.

2.  MTV award shows - Let's be honest, a contest for who has the classiest strip club would be more entertaining and family friendly.

3.  The Hills Cast - We get it.  You are hot and rich.  Although these are things that usually warrant attention, you have squandered our interest complaining about how hard it is to be hot and rich.  You may now suffer in silence.

4.  Jon and Kate Gosselin - Your powers are so great that you annoy me almost every day and I have not seen one hot minute of your show.  Maybe if everyone ignores you as TV personalities you can focus on being parents.

5.  Brangelina - I'm not suggesting we ignore Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie, but when they merge like the gay wonder twins in the Transformer Movie to form Brangelina they should become invisible.  The reason... I think not being able to put them on the cover of every magazine every month of the year might leave room for actual news.

6.  Oprah - I'd love to see her head explode after she ate her way down a shame spiral, because I don't think she could handle it if women started to form their own opinions instead of being her mindless cronies.

7. The Cast of Twilight - Maybe you are getting married, maybe you aren't.  It's not like any of us are invited to the wedding and wondering "So, should we plan to go to the wedding or go skiing with the Smiths?" so screw you.  You are stars of a teeny bopper fad based on averagely written books.  Even if you are not shunned no one will remember who you are in five years when you try to resurrect your career on Knitting With The Stars.


mrs a. 10:49 PM  

i know this isnt facebook...but i 'like' this =)
