Rooting For The Underdogs

The unlikely dream the biggest.

Here We Go Again...

First thing's first... Update

I have, so far, remained beyond the clutches of twitter.

The Yorkville Taco Bell has continued its reign of tyranny and cruelty as my order is never right in the drive-thru. (The issue persisting for going on four years now)

My grammar has been lowered even further (if that is possible) by incorporating internet speak in my daily life. Words such as "noob" "fail" and "leet" pepper my conversations like trash littering a very clever garbage dumb.

I have succeeded in being married for one year while neither killing nor being killed by my wife. Once Tyler moves back in this will most assuredly be out of the question as there will be a witness that could come home at any moment.

After almost three years of devotions and gifts my niece will not favor me above a piece of chalk.

I have returned to the blogging world.


TWH 12:18 PM  

I am so glad to see that your blogging again. To add to your list though, your spelling hasn't improved either.:-)

Brad and Lindy 12:44 PM  

I'm with him on that one.

Stay strong...Twitter is for losers.
