Rooting For The Underdogs

The unlikely dream the biggest.

Monogamy... the duct tape for the world.

I love duct tape. It literally fixes everything but duct work.

When people ask me why I am a Christian, my immediate response is "Well, it would be awkward for me to go into work if I wasn't." (I am a minister). But being a smart-elic aside, I tend to think that the Bible contains in it all the fundamentals to having a great life and a wonderful society. I mean, call me crazy, but I believe that practices that are deemed as "moral" or "biblical" in the Judeo-Christian sense of the word are actually just good business as far as world affairs go. Let's take for instance Monogamy...

Monogamy: "Traditionally" this is the practice of only taking one sexual partner.

Ideally, a boy and girl meet, they get married and only have sex with that person until one of them dies. At that point the surviving person may take another sexual partner until they die. Etc. Etc. Etc.

On the downside, we may have to exercise some self-control.

On the plus side, if this is practiced globally, it would eliminate ALL sexually transmitted diseases. You could wipe out AIDS, herpes, pretty much everything but pubic lice. You have to shower to do that. You would reduce the number of unwed mothers to only those widowed. No more rape, no more divorces screwing up kids, no more affairs tearing apart marriages, no more prostitution.

It is crazy to think about what would happen if everyone could just agree to do this one thing. But rather than keep it in our pants we would rather donate money to AIDS relief and take pills so it doesn't burn when we pee. Oh, well.


Anonymous 8:36 PM  

Very shorts, simple and easy to understand, bet some more comments from your side would be great
