Rooting For The Underdogs

The unlikely dream the biggest.

On the Grid

Back in a time when Yahoo was still a better search engine than Google, people just used the Google search engine to "Google" other people or themselves. This is how most people heard about Google. You would be sitting in your coffee shop of choice sipping your double shot cafe' latte' and your hip and trendy friend would sit down next to you and say "I Googled myself last night and this is what came up..." Or some psychopaths would Google the person they were dating as the ultimate act of checking up on them.

If you have never done it, just go to Google and type "your name" (make sure you use the quotes) and search. The scary thing is, I haven't done that in about four years. A fellow blogger just mentioned it so I wanted to see what has changed. So I ran a search and my results brought up this site.

This site allows you to track someone through legal documents like address changes at the post office, criminal records, traffic tickects, court records, etc. For fifty dollars you can find out everywhere I've lived for the past fifteen years at what ages I lived there, all my relatives and their addresses, lawsuits brought against me, and so on. Just think for the low price of 49.95 you can download someone elses entire life.


