Rooting For The Underdogs

The unlikely dream the biggest.

This Sucks like a Hoover

Oh My Word!!! It's worse than nails on a chalkboard!!!

Usually it happens on Friday, which makes the situation worse because I'm the only one here. But this week they decided to make it Monday. I'm trying to do my job which mainly consists of utilizing music, media, reading, and the creative process in general. I CAN'T DO THAT WHILE THEY VACUUM OUTSIDE MY DOOR WITH THE LOUDEST VACUUM CLEANER MADE IN 1976!!!

Visions from my childhood flash before my eyes of my crazy mother who used to open our doors at 9:00 AM on Saturdays and vacuum our rooms while we tried to sleep. It wasn't really that our rooms needed to be vacuumed it was a battle of wills. We thought we should get to sleep in on Saturdays. She felt that there was some kind of magic barrier that prevented the house from being cleaned past noon. She wanted us to get up at 8 AM and help her clean the house. My brother and I didn't mind doing house work or yard work. We just wanted to do it well rested.

When I moved to a ground floor apartment in Hannibal I was fortunate enough to live below a woman who worked the night shift. I thought this was awesome. If I threw a party, she was at work and wouldn't complain and stomp on the floor to tell us to "pipe down." I thought I had it made until the first time she vacuumed her floor (my bedroom ceiling) at 6 AM on Saturday morning when she got home from work. She did this every Saturday like clockwork.

And so here I sit in my office barely able to concentrate enough to write this as our sweet old janitors vacuum the hallway outside my office. I tried closing my door on Fridays and they act like they are offended. Like my being annoyed by the vacuum is really me being annoyed by them. But at least today the whole staff gets to enjoy this. Usually on Fridays its just me. I just sit here thinking "There is no way vacuuming the hall takes this long!" I keep expecting to walk out of my office and just see four or five vacuum cleaners sitting outside my door turned on.

I don't know what it is but THAT SOUND makes me climb the walls.

