Rooting For The Underdogs

The unlikely dream the biggest.

Man you got to really want it

I am just overwhelmed sometimes with the effort it takes to be apart of the blogging community. Just yesterday I tried to comment on a friend's blog and couldn't do it. With added security to screen for the random visitor or the spammer, to comment I have to log-in (now blogger requires your whole e-mail), enter my password, and try to decipher the security "word". And let's be honest. It is never really a word. It is always a random assortment of letters that is pure gibberish and is in a font so weird that you can't tell the difference between I's and L's or V's and U's or g's and q's. So yesterday I tried to comment three times and I couldn't decipher the security word. I just gave up. And the comments remained zero.

I would like you all to take a quick look at my comments. They are haloscan comments and not blogger comments. I have no spam, no log-in, no security word. It is easy as pie to comment on my blog and I never get unwanted comments. Or if I do, I just delete them.

If you would like to live footloose and fancy free, go to and follow the instructions. Five minutes of your life will save me more time than you could imagine. And then I won't have to kill you.

